
New Translation: Al-Muqaddimah al-‘Izziyyah

Book Description Al-Muqaddimah Al-Izziyah is a Maliki Fiqh text written by Abu Hasan Al-Maliki Al-Shadhili, he died 939 A.H in Cairo. The book covers all of the primary areas of worship in addition to practical life matters such as marriage/ divorce, commercial transactions and inheritance. It is said that the author wrote this book for …

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Fiqh Summary of the School of the Maliki Masters

“Fiqh Summary of the School of the Maliki Masters” – from ustadha ‘Aisha Bewley’s website: Fiqh Summary of the School of the Maliki Masters (by Muhammad al-‘Arabi al-Qarawi) (This is a joint translation with Habib Bewley) The Pure and the Impure Wudu’ Ghusl Tayammum Wiping over Leather Socks Wiping over Poultices, Splints and Bandages Menstruation …

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